
Purchase a gift voucher


Our secure payment

With SSL : Let's Encrypt

Credit card:

Visa - Mastercard - American Express


Bank card


Your Twint account

PostFinance /PostCard :

Your Postfinance Card or Postcard

Bank transfer in CHF :

For payments in CHF (Swiss Francs)

You can choose to make a bank transfer in CHF to the following account: Your order will be processed upon receipt of payment. It is also possible to pay in several monthly installments, in this case the goods are shipped after receipt of the full amount of the order.

ACM-Prestator Sàrl
Grand Rue 60
1338 Ballaigues

Bank CREDIT SUISSE (Switzerland) SA
8070 Zurich
No. IBAN: CH19 0483 5158 4972 0100 0
Clearing Number / SWIFT: 4835 / CRESCHZZ80A

CCP: 80-500-4


Bank transfer in Euro :

For payments in Euro (€):

You have the option to choose to make a bank transfer in Euro to the following account: Your order will be processed upon receipt of payment. It is also possible to pay in several monthly installments, in this case the goods are shipped after receipt of the full amount of the order.

ACM-Prestator Sàrl
Grand Rue 60
1338 Ballaigues

Bank CREDIT SUISSE (Switzerland) SA
8070 Zurich

No. IBAN: CH82 0483 5158 4972 0200 0
Clearing Number / SWIFT: 4835 / CRESCHZZ80A

CCP: 80-500-4

With our equestrian greetings